1. Number of recipients
Go to the menu Marketing > Push > Send
Under the preview you see the number of recipients who have agreed to receive your app push notifications. They must accept push notifications from your app, and can remove this authorization at any time.
This number is updated every time you send a new push (regular or scheduled push).
Every user who has uninstalled your app or removed the push authorization will be removed from the recipients.
That’s why you can have a difference in between the number of downloads / users and the number of push recipients. A person who opens your app might register or not (User Add-on), and might allow pushes or not.

2. Statistics of push sent
1. Go to the menu Marketing > Push > History
2. Click the charts in the column Stats to access all statistics of that specific push.

You have on that page the performance of the notification push sent:
– Number of push sent
– Number of notifications opened
– Click Rate percentage and your expected rates based on previous notifications
– Number of openings depending on the hour