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Create a backup of the app’s design

1 min read

1. What is a Backup?

This feature allows you to save a backup of your app’s design.

The backup does NOT include:

  • CMS content (articles, maps, videos, etc…)
  • Stats
  • Users, coupons, business, loyalty

After performing a backup, only the design elements of your project will be restored.The backup system is available from the bottom left menu Settings > Backups . 

2. Create a Backup

Creating a backup is a manual process, they are not created automatically.
To create a backup, click on the green “Create a backup” button.

During the process, the mention “Backup in process” will appear at the top right corner of the page.

3. Restore a Backup

Once the process is complete, the backup will appear in the list. From here on, you can restore the design of your app.
Restoring the backup will apply the design elements from when the backup was created. 

4. Delete a Backup

You can save up to 3 backups. They can be manually deleted. 
If you reach the limit, you will have to manually delete a backup before creating a new one. 

Warning: Deleting a backup is PERMANENT. 
A backup can never be retrieved once it has been deleted. 

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