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Opening a URL in an external browser

1 min read

1. From an HTML section – HTML Template

In your HTML code, at the end of the URL you wish to open in an external browser, add  ?gbOpenExternal=1
The links must be in the following format:  <a href=”″>Your text</a>

Note: The extension “?gbOpenExternal=1” can not be added with the “URL” template.

2. From a CMS section

In the drop-down menu to create a link, select the option “External link” and fill in the URL you need to open externally.
Add to the URL this property ” ?gbOpenExternal=1“, so for example, your URL will look like this:

3. From a Click-to link

There are different ways to open a Click-to link in an external browser from your app, in all cases the process is the same:

In the Link field, select the option “External link” and fill in the URL you need to open externally.
Add to the URL this property ” ?gbOpenExternal=1“, the URL  must be in the following format:

You can use this in the following examples:
– In My app>Design>Navigation menu, you can add a shortcut in the Footer of the templates they allow you,  by clicking on the ” Add an element” button
– In the General Header  or sections’ header, you can add a link next to the title by clicking on the “+ Add an action” button
– In a widget link on the  Home page

4. Update your modifications

Remember to publish your changes in the menu Publish > Update > Changelog > Settings, to apply them to your app.

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